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[ SMMT Characters >> Sailormoon Genesis >> Rhea de Mokusei ]

Image Coming Soon! Lady Rhea de Mokusei

    Significance: Rivers of the Wood-Star
    Mother Of: Princess Jupiter
    Role: Silver Millennium Ambassador
    Favorite Color: Green
    Likes: Friends, Parties
    Dislikes: Dreariness
    Images By:

Who is Rhea de Mokusei?
    Queen Rhea de Mokusei can best be described as the life of the party. She's lively, friendly, and quick-witted. Due to her wonderful ability to socialize with others, she's one of the Silver Millennium's best Ambassadors. However, as of late, her supreme diplomacy and ability to negotiate has been in vain with the Black Star Galaxy. While normally friendly and kind, Rhea can also become quite sharp-tongued and bitter when frustrated or annoyed. Rhea also tends to nag at her daughter, Jupiter, when she's home (and not in another Kingdom.) This leads to a few problems between the mother and daughter, but Mokusei truly loves Jupiter and only wants the best for her.

    Rhea de Mokusei also carries the protection of the Wood-Star, yet like the other Ladies, she is also unpracticed and is the only Senshi who has never actually transformed into Sailormokusei. Rhea possesses the Ryuu-no-Me, a large gem that contains a power of the heavens. Unfortunately, Rhea doesn't realize the abilities she has within her.

Items & Powers

    The Ryuu-no-Me [Eye of the Dragon]
    The Ryuu-no-Me is a large, uncut, green gem that has been part of Rhea's royal family for as far as she can remember. As a child, her mother told her stories of when the gem sat atop a scepter and was used to fend off evil. Unbeknownst to Rhea, the Ryuu-no-Me contains an immense amount of power which can be unleashed if properly used.

[ SMMT Characters >> Sailormoon Genesis >> Dione de Kinsei]

Copyright © 1995-2005 Janelle J. (Miaka Shi)
Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon is a copyright of Naoko Takeuchi, Toei, and Kodansha; the Sailormoon Millennia Trilogy, Sailormoon Zodiac (SMZ), Sailormoon Neo (SMNeo), and Sailormoon Genesis (SMGn) are the properties of Janelle J. No one is to take the likenesses, names, storylines, or other original details unless they happen to be Takeuchi-sensei herself, or some other Japanese official.
Fanart, fan-poetry, and fan-fiction based on the Sailormoon Millennia Trilogy are joint-properities of the respective author and of Janelle J. Featuring your artwork on this site means that it may be used for promotion or other usage. Comments are property of their poster.