Sailormoon Neo: #2 - Chinmoku no Tenshi? Shin no Teki ga Mezameru! - The Silent Angel? The New Enemy Awakens! - By: Janelle Jimenez ( Official Webpage: [] "There is Earth.." a shadowy female voice said. "This is the planet that the Master wanted? Why was it so difficult to take? It is small and weak." another voice asked, it was a male voice. "The Mistress didn't do her job correctly.." the female whispered. "But she did succeed slightly, she managed to leave remnants of her mission in her host. The host has had a daughter, she passed the pieces to her. The daughter will be our new host.." "Will it work..?" the man asked. "Her daughter is what they call, a dark child. She was born at midnight...I believe because of this, and because of her mother that her mindset is that of a villain." the voice replied, if voices could smile, it probably would be. If voices could nod, the man's voice would be nodding, "Let us tell the Pharoah we have found the new Silent Messiah, Shino Seishi...she will our Angel of Silence." (Note: If the previous scene confused you, I'll explain it briefly. In SailormoonS, Tomoe Hotaru was possessed by Mistress 9, making her the Dark Messiah. In my fanfics, even though she was healed, parts of Mistress 9 still lived on in her, she even has the appearance of Mistress 9. These mysterious villains here have come to the conclusion that since Seishi is Hotaru's daughter, that perhaps what was left of Mistress 9 was passed on to Seishi.) * * * * "Megami-chan!!" a voice exclaimed across the courtyard. Umino Megami turned her head and saw a very familiar black haired female running towards her. The girl was the elegant and very beautiful Hisakino Karei. In Megami's mind, Karei had to be one of the most beautiful girls in the school. Megami too was beautiful, and she knew it. But she wasn't vain about it, nor did she dwell upon it. It was simply a fact; Megami was loved by the whole school. In Megami's mind, she and Karei were simply lucky to have been daughters of beautiful mothers. "Ohaiyo (Good Morning), Karei-chan." Megami smiled. "Guess what I heard from Ryuuki-san.." Karei giggled, her purple eyes dancing. She was the daughter of the very famous model and Seiyuu Hisakino-Hino Rei and no one ever neglected to point out that Karei would some day grow up to be far more lovelier than her beautiful mother. "I can't guess, just tell me." Megami grinned, she shifted her school bag into her other hand and started to head towards the school. Karei smiled widely as she walked by her friend, "Rumors say that Miyahara-kun wants to ask you for a date, isn't that so exciting?" Karei said happily. Megami looked thoughtful, "Miyahara-kun...OH!!! You don't mean Miyahara Kazuya do you?" Megami asked getting excited, Karei nodded her head vividly. "Oh that's so wonderful, you have the best life! I'm so jealous!" Karei squealed. Megami laughed and shook her head, "Baka Karei-chan (Silly Karei)...It's I who should be jealous of you, you have a whole male fanclub and I only have Miyahara Kazuya after me." Megami pointed out with a smile. "I would gladly trade you, if you so desired.." Karei replied with a grin. They laughed happily down the hall towards their classrooms. Karei suddenly stopped laughing, she was getting a strange feeling in her heart. She hardly ever got these feelings, but now she did. Her mother informed Karei that these psychic feelings ran in the family. Sometimes they were frightening, but they were important and it was necessary to learn how to decipher them. Karei turned around cautiously, she saw a girl named Shino Seishi who was in class B. Karei remembered her to be the daughter of one of her mother's friends, Shino Hotaru. The girl's dark purple eyes gazed at the two girls in an odd manner, somewhere between coldness and hatred. "Ohaiyo gozaimasu (Good Morning, in a polite way), Seishi-san! Do you remember me from Usa-chan's party last week? I am Umino Megami, you know Umino Ami's daughter?" Megami called out with a smile and a wave. The girl stared at Megami and Karei. She nodded her head lightly and turned around, walking slowly in the other direction. "Sei-chan!" a male voice exclaimed, another familiar figure caught up to the girl, his dark brown hair falling into his eyes. Seishi's eyes brightened and a smile grew on her lips, "Where were you Morino-kun?" she asked as they walked down the hall. "Morino-kun? Don't call me that, you sound like all the other girls." he laughed, "Maybe that's what I want to be, Ryuu.." Seishi said looking down. Ryuu shook his head and laughed harder, "No way, you're great the way you are." he grinned as he wrapped his arm around her and gave her a little hug. Karei watched the couple leave down the hall and turn the corner, Seishi was watching her until they disappeared from sight. "That was so strange...did you see her look at us all strangely like that? Like she didn't recognize us in the slightest. I wonder why.." Karei murmured. "He is so cute, isn't he? Morino Ryuu...What a gorgeous name! No matter what Usa-chan said, they've got to be more than friends.." Megami giggled. Karei nodded her head at her best friend and smiled, but her thoughts where elsewhere...There is something dreadfully wrong with Shino Seishi. * * * * "Ne (Hey), Usa-chan, I want you to take this to Hotaru-san's house." Neo-Queen Serenity said and handed her daughter a basket full of baked goods. "Did you make these yourself, mommy?" Usa-chan asked suspiciously looking into the basket. The Queen may have been wise and fair, but she was still an infant at the ways of culinary arts. "Nono, Makoto-san made them. You just get to deliver them...aren't you happy you remember your friendship with Hotaru?" Serenity asked. Usa-chan frowned slightly, ever since she learned of her memory being erased, she thought less of her mother. "Mommy...what if I never had to be Neo Sailormoon? Then I would have never gotten to know Hotaru best friend. She needed me when she was lonely. *I* needed her when I was lonely...but...I didn't even know... WHY? I don't understand why I had to forget everything!" Usa-chan exclaimed. Serenity looked down at her hands and shifted her blue eyes to the left, "Just take the basket to Hotaru-san." she replied quietly and with that, left the room. * * * * In his mind, she was the most beautiful woman ever created. Her black hair was a glorious black river which reached from the top of her head to the floor. The dark hair contrasted sharply against her pale skin, she didn't look sickly to him, she looked ethereal, preternatural...immortal. A beautiful Goddess carved of white marble. Set in a perfect face were a pair of flashing violet eyes. This beautiful creature looked at her reflection in the vanity mirror and smiled at her husband who was gently, and very carefully brushing his wife's hair. "What would I ever do without you, Masaya?" she said smiling brightly. "Don't say such things...I couldn't live without you, Hotaru." he whispered in her ear. Masaya's statement was probably true. She was the only reason he was alive. He lived for Hotaru, he'd die for Hotaru. She was the only person to ever care for him in his whole miserable life...she was the Angel that saved him from depression, from death. "You could live perfectly well without me, Masaya. Now, I think I should be taking a nap now." she smiled, and lifted her arms upwards. Masaya sighed wistfully, and picked her up, carrying her across the room into their bed. He set her down gently against the pillows and tucked the thick comforter around her small body. He looked at his wife, who looked tiny against the thick pillows. True, Hotaru was always frail and weak...but was never one to just lie around. They used to go to parks together, to museums, and other outings...but ever since Seishi was born, his darling wife was bedridden. Weaker, frailer more sickly than before. Did he blame it on Seishi? He did...but most of all he blamed it on himself. When Hotaru almost died in the delivery room, a piece of him died too. Although Hotaru never blamed her conidition on anyone, Masaya could never forgive himself. * * * * "You mean I have to be a Sailor Senshi all by myself?" Usa-chan asked incredulously, her cat Diana nodded her head as the two of them walked down the crystal-lined streets to the Shino Household. Diana had taken Luna's place as Advisor to the Queen after Luna died a few years ago. Artemis, Diana's father was quite senile as cats can go which was why he didn't take the position. He never spoke much anymore, he didn't even live with Minako, his master when he was younger. He spent much of his time hiding behind Endymion's throne in the throne room and talking to himself. "Yes...I'm sorry Usa-sama, but Neo-Queen Serenity-sama and I thought that it would be best not to try and get the old Sailor Senshi to choose the Neo Senshi of each sign." Diana replied. "What?? You mean there AREN'T any other Neo Sailor Senshi!?" Usa exclaimed stopping dead in her tracks. "No, you see, unlike Serenity-sama, the Sailor Senshi of the past didn't have a future planned out for them. You see, no destiny. Originally, they were to remain the Sailor Senshi forever, but Serenity-sama didn't think that was fair. I don't believe you remember the Asteroid Senshi, but they were your protectors until they left this galaxy. Anyway, the old Sailor Senshi still have the power to be the Sailor Senshi, but I doubt any of them want to restart. They can also give the power to someone else they choose...I'm not really sure how this all works, Usa-sama. My mother died before I could learn everything.." Diana sighed. "But...I can't fight these villains on my own, they're too hard. I'm not strong enough." Usa-chan said as she continued to walk again. Diana frowned, "Sa (well)...If we find that we need more Neo Senshi, I'll see what I can do, but for now.." Diana answered. Usa-chan nodded, she looked upwards at the sky. Her thoughts began to drift as she reached into the basket and pulled out a cookie and began to munch on it, I remember you all minna, she thought. I remember Ami, Rei, Makoto, Minako, Haruka, Michiru, Setsuna..and especially, Hotaru-chan. All this time, I wondered where you were...and you were all right there. Mommy shouldn't have erased my were my only friends until now. Why did I have to lose you all? * * * * Seishi walked down the quiet street to her home. She kept her eyes on the ground and occasionally, she lifted a pale hand to brush away the strands of hair that fell into her face. Just one more block till she got home. She didn't dread going home, but she didn't like it either. She loved her mother...but it pained Seishi to see that her mother was put in that state because of herself. She knew her mother would never dare think for a moment it was Seishi's fault, but her father and grandfather did. Her father never said much to her, hardly ever laid eyes on her. He was a depressing figure, even when Hotaru wasn't bed ridden. His somber, dark poetry was what attracted Hotaru to him, as well as his the fact he was very handsome, thoughtful, and romantic, an incessant thinker. Seishi wanted her father's attention, but he wouldn't even be in the same room as her alone. As for Grandfather Souichi, that was even worse when he came to visit. Unlike other grandfather's, he didn't shower Seishi with gifts. He too blamed Hotaru's state on Seishi and treated her like she didn't even exist. Seishi had to live sixteen years with this treatment, it had turned her into a quiet person, with whose mind always thought of dark things. Kindergarten teachers found her disturbing, but no one said much about it. It just seemed to fit with the Shino household. Seishi looked down and kicked a rock, it was quiet all of a sudden, abnormally quiet. The wind didn't blow, there wasn't a sound in the air.. everything was still. "There she is." a woman's voice whispered. Seishi dropped her books and looked around in fear, "W-what..?" she asked. "Shino Seishi...who was begot by Shino Hotaru, the Silent Messiah.." a male voice said. Seishi frantically looked for the source of their voices, but it seemed to be surrounding her...not coming from any finite location. "Who are you?" Seishi demanded, am I going insane? she thought. Are the demons and demonesses I used to make up in my mind actually coming to life? Am I hearing things? "We are here to make you a vessel, the world's most powerful girl. Don't you want that Shino Seishi?" the female voice asked. Seishi started to shake, this couldn't have been really happening. " away from me.." she said as she backed into a wall, she sunk down and buried her head in her knees, "GET AWAY!" she screamed. "There is no escaping us....we're everywhere." the man whispered. Seishi looked up, in front of her were two shadowy figures materializing. One was a beautiful woman with long black hair wearing a black dress, she looked familiar. The other was a man with shoulder length black hair, also dressed in black....he too looked familiar. "You WILL go willingly, Shino Seishi. You cannot be our host if you are either alive or unwilling." the woman replied. "We will take you with us..we will show you...You'll want to be the new Silent will." the man said, Seishi watched as the figure stepped into a tree nearby. Red light surrounded the tree and shot to the sky, the branches started to shake and leaves showered on Seishi's head. "Do not fail." the woman's voice whispered, the figure of the woman disappeared. The tree's roots tore out of the ground and twisted together to form legs, the branches parted and twisted together to form arms. Seishi looked up at the monster in horror and screamed. * * * * "HELP ME!!!!" a voice screamed. Usa-chan dropped her basket and looked down at Diana, "Did that sound familiar to you?" she asked. "Hai! Hayaku, Usa-chan, Henshin yo!" (Note: sorry, I just wanted to say a whole phrase in Japanese :P Anyway, that said: Yes! Hurry, Usa-chan, transform!) Diana exclaimed. Usa-chan nodded and removed the transformation brooch from her school uniform and lifted it to the sky. "MOON ANGELIC POWER! MAKE UP!" she shouted. The brooch lit up as she waved her hand over it. She brought the brooch down to her chest and pink ribbons flew from it and wrapped themselves around her body as transparent pink angel wings appeared from behind her back and folded over her chest, then unfolded back on her back. Where the ribbons had been was now the bodysuit of the uniform. The extra ribbons which didn't form the bodysuit, hung loose, and as Usa spun they formed into a pink skirt. The angel wings on her back formed the backbow. From the brooch, another pink ribbon grew, which formed her front bow. From her feet a circle of light appeared which travelled upwards and formed her boots, collar, tiara, and lastly formed a halo above her head briefly as she opened her eyes. To finish the transformation, she then posed briefly with her legs in fighting stance, with two of her fingers in her right hand extended above her forehead and her left hand behind her back (Think Sailormoon's first transformation pose). Sailormoon quickly ran to the location of the scream, "Hey YOU!" Sailormoon shouted. The tree-monster turned around and looked at the girl standing there, "I am the pretty-suited soldier, Neo Sailormoon! In the name of the Neo Moon, I will punish you!" she exclaimed. The tree did nothing for a moment, then it suddenly raised a mighty arm and slammed it near Neo Moon. She went flying through the air. "IIIE! He's strong!" Neo Moon exclaimed and quickly got back up, "Try your moon tiara, Neo Moon!" Diana suggested. Neo Sailormoon nodded and took her tiara off, "Moon Tiara...ACTION!" she shouted as she removed her tiara, a disc of pink energy flew towards the tree and struck it's bark, it scratched it barely, but the tree still stood. "Run Seishi!" Neo Moon screamed, Seishi nodded and took off running. "What am I going to do now, Diana? It's so powerful!" Neo Moon asked. "It only has the limitations of a tree, Neo Sailormoon. I hope.." Diana said, her voice full of worry. "Limitations of a tree.." Neo Sailormoon repeated, she quickly took out the Heaven Wand, a pink wand with a star shaped crystal on top surrounded by a pair of angel wings, and lifted it to the air. "ANGEL!" she shouted as she pointed the wand at the tree, "MOON!" she exclaimed as she span around once, "HEART BREAK!" she shouted again. Five points of pink energy shot from the star and and converged into a pink crescent moon shaped beam which struck the tree. It scarred the tree, leaving a long dead welt in it's bark. "IT DIDN'T WORK!" Neo Sailormoon exclaimed, "Do it again, Neo Moon!" Diana ordered. Neo Moon nodded and repeated the process three more times, the last time the tree caught on fire and fell to the ground. A male scream emitted from the smoke and a ghost like figure rose, Neo Sailormoon and Diana gasped. The ghost looked at them coldly, "I see you aren't going to let us take our Angel so easily, but you are a fool. Give us Shino Seishi and you won't need to worry about us...for awhile." he said. "Never!" Neo Sailormoon shouted, "How dare you think I'll give you Seishi-chan! I believe you've underestimated me!" "I believe you have underestimated us as well. It is your loss then, little girl. This was an easy defeat, don't think that it is over yet. Don't forget our names, for you will be hearing them again. I am Lord 9 and you've missed my partner, Lady 9. We are from Tau Ceti." the man's voice replied. Diana gasped, Tau Ceti...she knew what that was, her mother told her all about it. Fear also filled Neo Sailormoon, she rememebered Tau Ceti well... it couldn't be true.. "You're lying! We destroyed Tau Ceti!" Neo Sailormoon exclaimed, "You didn't destroy us. You can't destroy that which has no body... we are entities (spirits). What you thought was destroying Master Pharoah 90 was actually just putting him back to sleep, child. You never destroyed Mistress 9 either. Her darkness still lives. We WILL revive the evil in the Silent Messiah's daughter, we WILL make her the Silent Angel, we WILL call Master Pharoah 90, and we WILL Silence your world.." the man said, and with those parting words, he disappeared. "D-Diana...what are we going to do? We have to warn Hotaru.." Neo Moon said, stumbling over her words. Diana looked up at Neo Moon with worry in her eyes, she was unexperienced...she didn't know what to do. "I think it *IS* time we called the other Neo Sailor Senshi. This is a bigger problem than Tau Ceti, don't forget Queen Rage. We're dealing with not only one powerful enemy...but two."